The introduction of the new IT system for controlling all procedures at the production site was accompanied by planning, implementation and evaluation in the change management. The changeover of the systems took place on a target date. The adaptation of the processes was planned beforehand and underwent further optimisation in the months that followed during live operation.
Groß & Cie. first developed the change programme in the management, communication, training, support and evaluation areas. It was not only important to safeguard the operative performance capability of the company at all times and provide training in the new skills, for example. In fact, the managers and employees had to be convinced of the new procedures in order to achieve rapid implementation.
After successful conversion of the IT system as the “compulsory” part of the solution, the “voluntary” part was then to improve the new processes in order to increase quality and capacity in the long term. Groß & Cie. was responsible for the change management, including project management. Selected measures were also designed and implemented. For example, the design and moderation of the two initial leadership conferences, carrying out “Lessons Learned” workshops and the introduction of a new training platform.